Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Well this is the end

well this is the end to my blog, well at least for now. So to conclude, the video game world will probably not end at least for a while and with all of the games that will be created there will always be a bunch of game that will be compared, that people will debate on because that's what we do as human beings, we always have to prove that what we think is better is better, However everybody will have there own opinions because everyone is different and nothing will change that and the same also applies to games, not everyone one will be the same, Each game is unique in there own way so i hope that all of you understood that.

I believe that this topic was one that is very informative not only because did it help people learn about different games i also did kinda of review on each, I hope that to all my readers that you learned something from this blog, but if you dident well i guess that's OK too. And thank you to all my reader out there for commenting and giving me feed back on my blog. So to all of you tails delivers a important message....

1 comment:

  1. A fun blog. Always interesting to see what games will be competing against each other. Well done!
    A few issues :
    - Spelling/ grammar issues (ex. Punctuation and capitalization, “like when your in the and in the factory”, ccemataryollect, dont, your vs you’re, run-ons, oppinion, recoomend, defiantly vs definitely, etc.)
    - Your opinion about which game is the best is often too brief at the end of your posts.
