Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Mortal combat vs street fighter

when it comes to fighting games at least concerning traditional fighting games, this are usually the first that come to mine, they've been arcade rivals since the 90's and still continuing today, both are fun exiting and most of the time very frustrating.

Street fighter was probably the most influential, even inspiring the creation of mortal combat, its is very fun but has a very annoying boss. the second in the series in my opinion is boring, and you know its unbalanced when even the A.I's spam projectiles, I hear that the 3rd one is good, I should probably play that one.

Mortal combat is defiantly not a kids game since its incredibly gory, however it has one of the best announcers  and who is also one of the most annoying and also coolest final boss ever with one of the greatest voices and epic one liners ever, the game play is fun and smooth and defiantly very violent. This game however has resulted in some of the most memorable moments ever especially with its final boss like the time he beat me with one health left and then laugh at me, yeah those were good times.

which one is better, street fighter may be more revolutionary but its unbalanced and very boring speed and game play causes me to give this one to mortal combat.

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