Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Well this is the end

well this is the end to my blog, well at least for now. So to conclude, the video game world will probably not end at least for a while and with all of the games that will be created there will always be a bunch of game that will be compared, that people will debate on because that's what we do as human beings, we always have to prove that what we think is better is better, However everybody will have there own opinions because everyone is different and nothing will change that and the same also applies to games, not everyone one will be the same, Each game is unique in there own way so i hope that all of you understood that.

I believe that this topic was one that is very informative not only because did it help people learn about different games i also did kinda of review on each, I hope that to all my readers that you learned something from this blog, but if you dident well i guess that's OK too. And thank you to all my reader out there for commenting and giving me feed back on my blog. So to all of you tails delivers a important message....

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

paper mario vs super mario rpg

When Mario i'sent jumping on Goomba's and smashing block, hes attacking then waiting then attacking, well in other words hes proven that he can take on the rpg genre just as good as final fantasy or any other rpgs, the two series in particular are super mario rpg and paper mario.

Super Mario rpgs is defiantly the most comical Mario game, with alot of cool characters, it was a big shock when fans found out Mario would be in a rpg but they were not disappointed, this game had incredible visuals for the time, a lot of colors, fantastic game play and the best part for me is that when i found out that bower joins your quest, you get to fight with bower, 10000000/10.

Paper Mario took the game and gave it a spin, which was the the game was in form of a pop up book meaning Mario could bend like paper to learn new abilities, The game had awesome bosses like the koopas bros which were basically the ninja turtles. You even went inside a toy box, this game was fun and its combat system was actually very creative and interesting.

well which game is better, which one is better. i think i have to go with paper mario with its unique style, its incredible game play and because it just was a great idea. (exept for the newest one sticker star, we do not speak of that one.)

Mortal combat vs street fighter

when it comes to fighting games at least concerning traditional fighting games, this are usually the first that come to mine, they've been arcade rivals since the 90's and still continuing today, both are fun exiting and most of the time very frustrating.

Street fighter was probably the most influential, even inspiring the creation of mortal combat, its is very fun but has a very annoying boss. the second in the series in my opinion is boring, and you know its unbalanced when even the A.I's spam projectiles, I hear that the 3rd one is good, I should probably play that one.

Mortal combat is defiantly not a kids game since its incredibly gory, however it has one of the best announcers  and who is also one of the most annoying and also coolest final boss ever with one of the greatest voices and epic one liners ever, the game play is fun and smooth and defiantly very violent. This game however has resulted in some of the most memorable moments ever especially with its final boss like the time he beat me with one health left and then laugh at me, yeah those were good times.

which one is better, street fighter may be more revolutionary but its unbalanced and very boring speed and game play causes me to give this one to mortal combat.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Pokemon red and blue vs Pokemon gold and silver

Well since this year is Pokemon's 20th year anniversary, today's gonna be the first and second generation of Pokemon, battleling (Pokemon pun) it out to see which is better. The Pokemon series is the first game series I have ever owned and played, so it is very important to me and nothing beats the classics so lets begin. 

Where it all began, in 1986 the gaming world was introduced with a game(well actually 2) that will go on to be the second best game series ever. I loved these games, I remember facing off against your rival and how good it felt to beat him every time. I remember facing off against team rocket and how shocked I was when i learned that there leader was the 8th gym leader. The games gyms, turned based combat and the limitless possibility's of teams is what in my opinion made this game stand out compared to other rpg's the only main flaw these game had is that it had some balancing issues which gave one type in particular a huge advantage but either way its still stands out to be one of the best 2 games ever.

Following the original games success, Pokemon gold and silver were released as the second generation, These games improved on the originals by adding color, new Pokemon and a brand new adventure. What i really liked was traveling in the sea and defeating team rocket because they once again planned to take over the world, the bosses were memorable and game was great.

So which one is better (drum roll please), in my opinion Red and Blue are the best because not only were they the originals and started it out, you'll never get the same feeling as you did when playing the originals, they have that nostalgic feeling which you will never be able to have in all the other Pokemon games.


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Earthbound Vs Mother 3

The earthbound series happens to be my favorite series of all time, and one of the best rpgs series ever,  The music is incredible, the bosses are well designed and the story is well written and shown with characters with a lot depth. however between the 3 games the second and third were the best, but which  one is better to me well lets find out.

Earthbound or Mother 2 ( In Japan ) is a game that is a imitation of america, it has very fun and cheery music but at times is very eery like when your in the  and in the factory. The game has a very fun story, you have to ccemataryollect 8 melodies to gain the power to defeat a evil alien, but what i found funny is that your destiny is told to you by a bee from the future, yeah dont get much weirder then that, and another part that i found weird was when your in a town were theres a group that is trying to turn everything blue, this games weird and fun charm is not matched by any game, at least in my oppinion.
Earthbound 2 or mother 3 ( In Japan ) is game that takes place in the nowhere islands and the time is more of a village so more of the past then its predecessors. Its story is incredible, it even made me cry when the main characters mother died, there are almost very happy moments like when your able to save your friend stuck in a burning house, it also allows you to play as other characters which helps learn more then just the backstory of the main character which in turn improves your understanding of what happened in the past and the story in the game itself which is a detail that not many games have. 
So which is better, Mother 3 is better in my oppinion because its story is much more detailed and allows for a emotional connection with its characters however earthbound is still a great experience and i recoomend this series to anyone who like rpg's.