Tuesday, October 27, 2015

intro to the video game debates

Ever since video games came out, dozens of games have always been constantly compared against others, sometimes there in the same series, some are completely different  but either way some will always be better than others, so in my blog ill be comparing different games with each other. This topic fascinates me because i love expressing which games i like better and i think that most people on the internet who compare miss to much about the games so i want my blog to cover as much details as possible so i can prove and defend my point very well.

I will be primarily trying to talk about very very popular debates however i will also be talking about games i really enjoy so this blog will have a lot of variety and i will try to do my best to answer any questions people might have about these games. I will be talking about games from the legend of Zelda to Street Fighter and i will give fair explanations of why i think the one game is better than the other one so please don't freak out if we have different opinions. And please if you wish to express your opinion, please feel free to do so in the comments so i can have some feedback from other peoples opinions.


  1. my first console was a nintendo 64 and i played 4 games zelda orcarina of time and majoras mask, banjo and kazooie and mario 64 they were the games that got me in to gaming and now i have evolved (pokeymon refrence) into a pc gamer.

  2. This is like a video game death battle haha. Can't wait to read up about these games. Good idea.

    1. yeah i guess it is, ill try t be a little more fair then death battle but i dont want the blogs to have too many words so well see how it goes

  3. Ow, things are going to get heated... JK, Bad jokes aside this is a cool topic to chose, there is so many games to do it on.

  4. I can’t to learn about different types of video games .I don’t play video games that much .I am looking forwards to try to understand your opinion based on which video game is better.
